Insurance for Nutritionists
in Australia

As you take care of people’s health, Sparrow Insurance can take care of your insurance

Insurance for Nutrition Professionals

As a nutritionist, you guide clients so that they meet their food and nutritional requirements. Clients can take your advice and can experience excellent results. Still, a client could experience unexpected adverse health effects, holding you liable.

Your business needs to have insurance protection. You need peace of mind as you go about your practice.

What types of coverage do nutritionists need?

Your practice deals with people’s physical well-being, and mistakes can happen. When a client accuses you of neglect or asks for compensation for property damage you’ll need to be ready. Professional indemnity, public liability insurance, and product liability insurance, but not limited to, are basic essentials to your business.

Professional Indemnity

In case someone claims you’ve been negligent with your advice, you can turn to professional indemnity. If a person seeks to sue you for giving them a menu plan that causes a potential risk, professional indemnity insurance may cover related legal costs of the potential claim.

Public Liability

Since your practice requires you to work with the public, this public liability policy becomes vital as it covers you and your business from any untoward incident, like personal injury to your client, in your practice or even at your client’s place.

Product Liability

If you supply or sell products as part of your business, then you need to have products liability. In case a person claims that your products caused them an adverse reaction, this type of liability policy may potentially cover a claim.

Other policies to protect you

On top of professional indemnity, public liability, and product liability insurances, you’ll need other insurances dedicated to cover more potential risks.

Cyber Insurance

Health advisors in Australia, like you, probably keep digital records of your customers. Cover is available for a data breach. Cyber insurance as a policy may cover data loss or theft when someone breaks into your network and accesses vital information.

Management Liability Insurance

Is specifically for private companies and covers claims of wrongful management, employment practices breaches (wrongful dismissal or discrimination actions), crime (theft by employees or third parties), tax audit and statutory fines and penalties.

Tax Audit Insurance

Whether you run small or large businesses or work as a contractor. This policy will cover your tax auditing by the ATO.

Business Insurance

This cover will protect your business and assets, including contents and stock or equipment damage. There are many additional covers to a business policy, depending on your circumstances ie: mobile; glass; business interruption.

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation is vital to help cover costs related to an injured employee during business hours.

Personal Accident and Illness Insurance

This policy is for every professional who is taking the time to recover from an injury or illness and unable to work.

Why Nutritionists Need Insurance Products

Because your service includes giving guidelines, misunderstandings are likely to happen, making a client perceive you as negligent. Here are some risks that your profession often incurs:

To reduce this risk, you’ll need to define your scope of practice, practice communication, adhering to regulatory guidelines, be ready for risks, and get fully covered with the right level of insurance.

Why Choose Sparrow Insurance

Policy details could be overwhelming, but Sparrow can help to make everything easy for you. Experience the following with Sparrow:

Get your full coverage for yourself and your business. Contact us now!


Can I pay for my policy monthly?

You may chat about monthly payments with us at the commencement of your policies. To get information or advice, contact us through this form or call us at 07 5502 8326 or send an email to